

Social Job Profil


Wir erstellen ein professionell geschriebenes und ausgearbeitetes Profil, das aktuelle Informationen über Ihre Fähigkeiten und Erfahrungen enthält und automatisch die Aufmerksamkeit des Lesers auf sich zieht. Mit unserer qualitativ hochwertigen Bearbeitung werden Sie gefunden und können sich in Szene setzen.

N / A


Der erste Ort, den Ihre potenziellen neuen Arbeitgeber bei der Recherche über Sie wahrscheinlich aufsuchen, ist Ihr LinkedIn / XING-Profil. Wenn Ihr Profil für die englische Sprache optimiert ist, könnte eine schlechte Übersetzungssoftware in deren Browser Sie weniger beeindruckend aussehen lassen, als Sie es wirklich sind. Stellen Sie daher sicher, dass Sie „im Rennen“ um die Position bleiben, indem Sie ein wirklich beeindruckendes optimiertes Profil präsentieren!

LinkedIn und Xing werden häufig zur Imagepflege von Bewerbern und Unternehmen genutzt. Daher sollte Ihr Account eine persönliche Note haben. Um sich von der Masse abzuheben, sollten Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Profil herausholen. Mit unserer LinkedIn / Xing Profilanalyse und -erstellung helfen wir Ihnen, sich auf der Business-Plattform professionell zu präsentieren.

LinkedIn und XING sind die weltweit am meisten genutzte Social Media Plattform, wenn es um die Karriereplanung geht. Egal, ob es sich um die ersten Schritte einer beruflichen Karriere oder bereits um eine Führungsposition handelt, ein professionelles LinkedIn-Profil sagt viel über den Bewerber aus.

  • 100% professionelles Linkedin-Profil erstellen
  • Schreiben eines effizienten Profiltextes
  • Beeindruckende Beschreibung Ihrer Fähigkeiten
  • Schlüsselwörter um Ihre Berufserfahrung zu verdeutlichen

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5.00 average based on 15 ratings.
  1. xstarscream

    Second time using Andreas services and again delivered work to a high quality. Will happily come back again and again.

  2. grizzly1

    Very professional, concise, knowledgeable, and appears to want to do a good job building a strong LinkedIn presence. I’m happy with the outcome!

  3. maame23

    very educative, humble and on time. Thank you

  4. jvirk14

    Awesome work!

  5. hayesal1424

    I really enjoyed the process of looking over my LinkedIn page, taking his suggestions, which were always evidence based and explained in detail why his opinion would be impactful to your profile. I really appreciated his approach because it not only gave me some excellent ideas but it helped me to understand what recruiters were looking for in a profile. Exceptional professional, wealth of knowledge, and I am hoping to work with him on more projects to improve my overall brand.

  6. momchilninov

    It was a great pleasure working with Andreas on my LinkedIn profile! I have received a lot of positive feedback on my profile after this fruitful collaboration. Very smooth and friendly communication, exchange of ideas and suggestions was fluent and I can definitely recommend his service.

  7. andreeaiosip

    I’m very happy with the professionalism and efficiency he worked on revamping my LinkedIn profile. He included those keyword that you need to have in your profile if you want to be found by the recruiters. I have already recommended him to my friends. Thank you!

  8. edisonix

    It was a pleasure working with Mr. Andreas, he was very ellegant, respectful, and informative. This is the second time I used his services and has truly made a significant change in my career. I landed a very good job thanks to the cover letter, resume and linkedin profile he made for me. This second time Mr. Andreas updated my linkedin profile and gave me very good advice on how to make my profile stand out. I’m completely satified with the update he made for me, also with the communication, his understanding of my field and work processes (Very important!), and his 100% satisfaction guarantee. I would definitely use his services again!

  9. aba953

    Great work and communication!!

  10. prakashradhakri

    really useful and made alot of insightful recommendations

  11. sayidhussein112

    Andreas did a fantastic job for me and i will certainly be recommending colleagues to use him. He delivered on time and point. Couldn’t ask for more.

  12. drewppy

    Andreas was excellent. He did everything I asked with my LinkedIn profile. Thanks for all your help. Be well.

  13. myrapc

    I had worked with this Seller previous on my resume. This time he helped my with my LinkedIn profile. That’s right I am a repeat customer and recommend him to my family and friends. He communicates, is very professional and very insightful!!! I will definitely use him again in the future should I need to do so!

  14. zbakari

    I’m happy with my new LinkedIn services. It was wonderful working with you Andreas. Thanks a lot!

  15. cosminim

    My Linkedin profile looks professional and I couldn’t be more happy with the delivery.

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